Nikolina Grujin
Nikolina Grujin

For Nikolina!


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić

raises funds for Nikolina Grujin (2018).

Nikolina was born on 11 August 2018 in Subotica after the first, properly maintained and controlled pregnancy. The birth went well, she was discharged from the hospital as a healthy baby.

Until the age of 18 months, Nikolina was a completely healthy child with orderly development, she started saying her first words, responded to her name, danced with music, and started walking in time. Her psychomotor functions were in line with the development of children of her age. In the meantime, she had inflammation of both ears twice. She was taken to a pediatrician, where everything was fine after the given therapies.

However, after some time, her parents noticed that something was wrong because Nikolina stopped responding to her name, she even stopped speaking,became reticent, irritable and often cried.

They were advised to take her to the children's ENT, where it was not detected that Nikolina did not actually hear, but she was further referred to a psychologist.

After several months of intensive work with a psychologist and defectologist, Nikolina was referred by them to a psychiatrist and a neurologist.  The psychiatrist thought Nikolina was just spoiled. An EEG of the head was performed by a neurologist, which was regular. Parents continued to wander from institution to institution in the hope that they would finally find out what was wrong with their child. Doctors assured them that Nikolina's hearing was fine.

Desperate parents had visited various speech therapy and special education centers. She was also taken to numerous psychologists and psychiatrists, where she was diagnosed with alalia (speech underdevelopment) and that she was on the right track because she had been going to speech therapy and special education treatments every day for months and that she would start speaking and that they should not to worry about that.

Parents are constantly referring to the fact that they have not made any progress in a year. They were told that the so-called selective hearing went with the alalia and that for that reason the child was making little progress, but that there was no need to worry and that Nikolina would speak.

The parents took the child to another hearing control on their own initiative, where it was unfortunately determined that Nikolina had complete hearing impairment in both ears. Nikolina's only solution now is a cochlear implant so that she can hear again. One will be installed at the expense of the health insurance fund by the end of next year, but since she doesn't have that much time because she is already late in development, she needs one as soon as possible.

She needs funds for treatment, specialist and control examinations, cochlear implant and additional equipment, for speech therapy, special education and deaf treatment, medicines, medical aids, spa rehabilitation, hyperbaric chamber treatments as well as for travelling and accommodation costs.

So far, her parents have financed all the expenses. Now they are asking all humane people to help them in order to raise funds as soon as possible and enable Nikolina to have a normal childhood.

Nikolina is a shy and reticent girl who is deprived of her mother's voice, deprived of good night fairy tales, for everything that a child should not be. Let's help Nikolina not to be in a world of silence, let's get a smile back on her face, let's help her hear again.

Let Nikolina hear again! Let's be humane!

Let's help Nikolina!

Latest payments

SMS MTS 05/2024
For Beneficiary1166
600,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 05/2024
For Beneficiary1166
200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 04/2024
For Beneficiary1166
1.000,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 04/2024
For Beneficiary1166
800,00 RSD
SMS MTS 03/2024
For Beneficiary1166
600,00 RSD
SMS A1 04/2024
For Beneficiary1166
200,00 RSD
Ptt,farba za jaja
PayPal payment
For Beneficiary1166
177,00 RSD
Internet payment
For Beneficiary1166
535,70 RSD
Internet payment
For Beneficiary1166
986,00 RSD
Farba za jaja
PayPal payment
For Beneficiary1166
719,00 RSD


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