Dragan Pajić
Dragan Pajić

For Dragan!


Humanitarian Foundation BUDI HUMAN - Aleksandar Šapić

raises funds for Dragan Pajić (1981).

Dragan has been struggling with health problems since his birth. It is a major facial deformity. He lacked 2/3 of the cheeks, he was born without a cheekbone and with a bilateral cleft palate and upper lip (wolf's-mouth), without 2/3 of the lower eyelid forming the upper cheek, without the  facial skin on the right side, nose and the cartilage of the nostril. As his left eye did not develop, Dragan is blind in the right eye.

The surgeries were performed one after the other, by the age of four Dragan had over ten surgeries, such as surgery of the upper bilateral cleft lip, with the fusion of part of the cheek to the part of the nose skin. In mid-February 1982 at the Institute for Mother and Child, plastic surgeon Dr Dragan Zamaklar did the major surgery on Dragan's face, which he said no one had ever done before with such a facial  deformity in Europe.

Meanwhile, Dragan’s teeth began to grow and took up space in cleft palates. He used the speech therapist twice a week for proper pronunciation exercises. Then he had surgery for enlargement of the upper jaw, and for nearly five years he wore various prosthetic appliances to ensure proper bite with the lower jaw.

After seventeen years of painstaking construction work, Dragan was able to claim the disability pension he acquired in August 2017.

So far, Dragan has had 25 surgeries on his face. Let’s provide this brave man with money for subsequent operations of the jaw, the tear duct, and the lower eyelid so that it can be attached to the nose root.

Let's help Dragan!

For Dragan’s  better future! Let's be humane!

Latest payments

SMS YETTEL 03/2024
For Beneficiary454
2.200,00 RSD
SMS A1 03/2024
For Beneficiary454
2.200,00 RSD
For Beneficiary454
10,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 02/2024
For Beneficiary454
400,00 RSD
For Beneficiary454
600,00 RSD
SMS MTS 01/2024
For Beneficiary454
400,00 RSD
SMS YETTEL 01/2024
For Beneficiary454
200,00 RSD
SMS MTS 12/2023
For Beneficiary454
800,00 RSD
PayPal payment
For Beneficiary454
840,00 RSD
SMS MTS 11/2023
For Beneficiary454
1.400,00 RSD


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